enclosed outdoor boards

Outdoor Enclosed Bulletin Boards

Outdoor glass enclosed bulletin boards are specifically made for outdoor use and are able to withstand the elements of harsh weather. We offer a number of weather resistant, glass enclosed outdoor bulletin boards and enclosures that are specifically designed for outdoor use. Regular enclosed cabinets are great but they simply will not hold up to harsh weather conditions. Cabinets used outdoors need to have ventilation holes to let excessive heat escape from the cabinet or it will become like a hothouse or solar oven and simply cook the contents. In addition, the backing on the cabinet should be sealed with silicone or some other similar moisture resistant sealer to prevent any moisture from getting into the back of the cabinet so that it doesn't rot or mold the tack surface.
    Our Price: $239.21
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    Our Price: $239.21
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    Our Price: $239.21
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    Our Price: $658.46
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  • Outdoor Message Centers

    Outdoor Message Centers

  • Our Price: $433.56
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