When it comes to dry erase boards, it's essential to use a high-quality eraser. Keep in mind that felt erasers, designed for chalkboards, may not be suitable for dry erase boards, especially larger ones. Felt erasers can get clogged with dry erase dust, potentially leading to a dirtier writing surface during erasing. For a superior alternative, consider our Opti-Wipeâ„¢ microfiber cloths. These cloths effectively trap dry erase particles while also providing the benefit of being laundered for prolonged use, simultaneously cleaning and conditioning the writing surface. For comprehensive cleaning, we offer a range of Expo board cleaners. These cleaners are particularly effective on non-magnetic Melamine writing surfaces as they also condition the surface. While suitable for porcelain steel magnetic dry erase boards, it's advisable to rinse the surface after cleaning to prevent any build-up of cleaning solution that might hinder proper erasing. An important tip is to commence with a clean slate. Prior to writing on your board, ensure it's clean by lightly dampening a soft towel with water and thoroughly drying the markerboard. You'll notice a significant improvement in your writing experience.