OptiMA® Warehouse Safety Board, Spanish Language

Our Price: $80.71
  • Economy safety tracking boards available in Spanish
  • Two sizes available: 18" x 24" and 24" x 36"
  • Track "Days without an Incident" and "Previous Record," with satin anodized aluminum trim and full-length marker tray
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Made in the USA
Over 30 Years in Business


Now our popular economy safety tracking boards are available in Spanish. These boards are the same as our Safety tracking boards except that all of the wording is in Spanish. These units use our exclusive OptiPrint® dry erase writing surface. Track the number of days since your last accident, En espanol. Available in 2 sizes of 18" x 24" or slightly larger 24" x 36". Both safety boards track "Days without an Incident" and "Previous Record". Satin anodized aluminum trim and full-length marker tray. Ships with installation hardware attached to back of boards. Ahora nuestras tablas de seguimiento de seguridad economia popular estan disponibles en espanol. Estas tablas son las mismas que nuestras tablas de seguimiento de seguridad, excepto que todo el texto esta en espanol. Estas unidades utilizan nuestra exclusiva OptiPrint® superficie de escritura de borrado en seco. Realizar el seguimiento del numero dedicas desde el ultimo accidente, en espanol. Disponible en 2 tamanos de 18" x 24" o un poco mas grande de 24 "x 36". Ambos consejos de seguridad rastrean Dias sin incidentes" y "Registro anterior".  Satinado de aluminio anodizado del ajuste y de larga duracion bandeja marcador. Se suministra con accesorios de instalacion adjunta a la parte posterior de las juntas. Tip: It is not recommended to clean these boards with anything containing ammonia which is found in most glass cleaners.


Nothing gets the team on the same page like good communication, and as far as we're concerned, good communication Nothing gets the team on the good communication starts with a great dry erase board!

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Nothing gets the team on the same page like good communication, and as far as we're concerned, good communication Nothing gets the team on the good communication starts with a great dry erase board!

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    Product Specifications:
  • Spanish Version
  • Sizes: 18" x 24" and 24" x 36"
  • Track: Days without an incident and Previous record
  • Pack Size: 1 per case
  • Heavy duty satin anodized aluminum trim
  • Full-length 1" deep marker tray
  • Eye Hook Installation hardware included
  • Made in the U.S.A.
  • Normal lead-time is roughly 2-3 working days

    For Best Results:
  • Note that Expo or other Bristle type erasers may permanently damage the writing surface.
  • Do not use any cleaning chemicals which contain ammonia. Note that most glass cleaner contain ammonia.
  • Do not use any type of scrubbing sponges or other abrasive to clean the boards.
  • We strongly recommend using a soft cloth

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OptiMA® Opti-Wipe™ Dry Erase Wiping Cloths

Our Price: $1.66
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